
  • ILitNodeClient


connectedNodes: any
networkPubKey: string
networkPubKeySet: string
ready: boolean
serverKeys: any
subnetPubKey: string


  • Combine Shares from network public key set and signature shares


    final JWT (convert the sig to base64 and append to the jwt)


    • networkPubKeySet: string
    • signatureShares: NodeShare[]

    Returns string

  • Get the decryptions from the decrypted data list



    • decryptedData: any[]

    Returns Promise<any[]>

  • Retrieve the symmetric encryption key from the LIT nodes. Note that this will only work if the current user meets the access control conditions specified when the data was encrypted. That access control condition is typically that the user is a holder of the NFT that corresponds to this encrypted data. This NFT token address and ID was specified when this LIT was created.


    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • we need to send jwt params iat (issued at) and exp (expiration) because the nodes may have different wall clock times, the nodes will verify that these params are withing a grace period

    Returns {
        exp: number;
        iat: number;

    • exp: number
    • iat: number
  • Request a signed JWT of any solidity function call from the LIT network. There are no prerequisites for this function. You should use this function if you need to transmit information across chains, or from a blockchain to a centralized DB or server. The signature of the returned JWT verifies that the response is genuine.



    Returns Promise<string>

  • Request a signed JWT from the LIT network. Before calling this function, you must either create or know of a resource id and access control conditions for the item you wish to gain authorization for. You can create an access control condition using the saveSigningCondition function.


    final JWT


    Returns Promise<string>

  • Associated access control conditions with a resource on the web. After calling this function, users may use the getSignedToken function to request a signed JWT from the LIT network. This JWT proves that the user meets the access control conditions, and is authorized to access the resource you specified in the resourceId parameter of the saveSigningCondition function.



    Returns Promise<boolean>

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