• Signs an EIP-712 typed data object or a JSON string representation of the typed data object.


    A promise that resolves to the signature of the typed data object.


    const signer = ... // Instance of a LitTypeDataSigner
    const msgParams = ... // EIP-712 typed data object or its JSON string representation
    const signature = await signTypedData(signer, msgParams);

    Type Parameters

    • T extends EIP712TypedData

      A generic type that extends the EIP712TypedData interface.


    • signer: LitTypeDataSigner

      An instance of a LitTypeDataSigner, which is used for signing the typed data.

    • msgParams: string | T

      An EIP-712 typed data object that extends EIP712TypedData, or a JSON string representation of the typed data object.

    Returns Promise<string>

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