Relay server to subsidize minting of PKPs
Endpoint to interact with a blockchain network. Defaults to the Lit Chronicle.
authenticateAuthenticate the user based on the provider-specific implementation and return the relevant authentication data
Type representing the specific options for the authenticate method
options: TOptional parameters that vary based on the provider
Fetch PKPs associated with given auth method from relay server
Auth method object
getGet auth method id that can be used to look up and interact with PKPs associated with the given auth method
Auth method object
options: anyOptional parameters that vary based on the provider
Generate session sigs for given auth method and PKP
Mint a new PKP for the given auth method through the relay server
Auth method object
prepareGenerate request body to fetch PKPs using auth method info via relay server
Data for fetching PKP
prepareGenerate request body for minting PKP using auth methods via relay server
Data for minting PKP
prepareGenerate request data for minting and fetching PKPs via relay server
Auth method obejct
Generated using TypeDoc
Client to connect to Lit nodes